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Agrani Remittance House

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Agrani Bank Limited, Bangladesh is the parent company of Agrani Remittance House Sdn Bhd , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Now, Agrani Remittance House Sdn Bhd has only one outlet located in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. But , lot of Bangladeshi are working in the different parts of Malaysia specially Penang, Johor, Melaka, Selangor etc. As, Agrani Remittance House Sdn Bhd are not present except Kuala Lumpur,the Management of Agrani Bank Limited, Bangladesh felt that their presence should be across Malaysia to facilitate Bangladeshi Expatraites in sending money to Bangladesh. So, Agrani Bank Limited has tied up with Big Remittance Houses those have the branches in Bangladeshi concentrated areas in Malaysia.

The name of the Remittance/Exchange Houses with those Agrani Bank Limited have the tied up agreement are bellow:
1. International Money Express(IME)
2. Merchantrade Asia Sdn Bhd
3. Probhu Money Transfer
4. NBL Money Transfer
5. Xpress Money

The Branches of the above Remittance Houses are located in all over Malaysia. So, Bangladeshi expatriates can send money to Agrani Bank Limited in Bangladesh from any outlet of their Branches.

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