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Agrani Remittance House

[ Branches ]

At present Agrani Remittance House Sdn Bhd has only one outlet located in Kuala Lumpur. As per long felt desire of the Bangladeshi workers who lives out side Kuala Lumpur to open new branches in the nearest locations. Now, we would like to open 4(Four) branches in the Bangladeshi workers concentrated cities after getting approval of Bank Negara Malaysia. We already applied to Bank Negara Malaysia and hopefully we will open our proposed branches by 2012. The location of our proposed branches are follows:At present Agrani Remittance House Sdn Bhd has only one outlet located in Kuala Lumpur. As per long felt desire of the Bangladeshi workers who lives out side Kuala Lumpur to open new branches in the nearest locations. Now, we would like to open 4(Four) branches in the Bangladeshi workers concentrated cities after getting approval of Bank Negara Malaysia. We already applied to Bank Negara Malaysia and hopefully we will open our proposed branches by 2012. The location of our proposed branches are follows:

City Square Branch, Johor Bahru

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