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Agrani Remittance House

[ Services ]


  1. Benificiary in Bangladesh can receive money over the counter (spot cash/pin number) from any branches of Agrani Bank Limited throughout Bangladesh.
  2. Bangladesh expatriates living in Malaysia can send money to their Bank accounts maintaining with any Banks in Bangladesh.
  3. Bangladeshi expatriates can open different types of account like Savings, Foreign Currency(FC)  and Monthly Deposit(ABS) in any branch of Agrani Bank Limited, Bangladesh through us.
  4. Bangladeshi expatriates can purchase Wage Earners Development Bond, US Dollar Premium Bond and US Dollar Investment Bond from us.


  1. Remittance charges

    RM 1.00 to RM 500.00 RM 5.00
    RM 501.00 to RM 2000.00 RM 10.00
    RM 2001.00 to RM 3000.00 RM 12.00
    RM 3001.00 to RM 5000.00 RM 15.00
    RM 5001.00 to RM 50000.00 RM 20.00

  2. Service charge for Account opening:
    RM 20.00  (For each account)

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